Home from Jamaica! Dayne is back and he did a wonderful job on his report. I wish we could have seen him in action. Love you Dayne!

Grandma Willvie enjoying the weather and her family.

If you can't tell, Abby is tucking the hair behind her ear. Soooo darling!

Kissing cousins
I love Aisha's puppy dog eyes. How would you ever discipline with those eyes staring at you? Too cute to get mad at!!
Wow that's crazy. We really are getting old. Dayne is so cute. The girls are going to be after him. Speaking of cute holy heck Devanee is well, I guess gorgeous would be a better word.
Wow! It's crazy to see younger siblings grow up when you don't feel older yourself. Your kids are adorable Brooke!
YAY! I'm so glad that you updated! All the pictures are soooo cute, my favorite is of Sadie looking off to the side :)
Abby keeps asking me to look at Chase kissing her again...."I miss Chase so much, Mom"
MAN! I get so emotional when it comes to missionaries! He looks great! I'm so glad you guys could all experience his return! Lov eyou guys!
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