Anyway... Chase turned six! He had a pirate birthday party with cousins. He wanted a pirate cake so we looked online and found a good one. It didn't say in the demo that it needed cinder blocks to hold the thing together! It's a good thing we took a picture when we did...for it was soon to be shipwrecked! It split right in two from the weight of the cake. It still looked pretty cool and Chase thought it was better that way. He's so good to see the positive. If a toy gets broken he still plays with it and says, "It's like a new toy because it's different now!" If we could all be like that in life.

SUCH a good momma you are brooke! I love those action shots. Chase does have such a great attitude and Sadie IS beautiful, she and Marriner have such identical smiles. And uh, I'm pretty sure you could go into cake business...probably after your kids are grown though, right?! It looks awesome. You look beautiful Brooke, love your hair! Wish Hattie could have been in the pirate pic, that'll be a classic forever. Take good care of yourself, because you deserve the best. Can't wait to get to see you guys.
love you,
P.S. Good for you for blogging! You go girl!
I loved all the pictures. You inspire me to maybe try to make a semi cool cake because yours are awesome. I love your hair.
Yippee! I have been waiting for pics of the pirate cake! You did have a busy summer...and that is a JUICY kiss between siblings. They must have good examples of
Thanks for letting ME enjoy YOUR greatest blessings that are 6, 3 and now 2! They hold a special place in my heart :) I don't know who the pirate party left a bigger impression on....Chase or Aisha! It was so much fun. There is something about being a hotel that makes you want to jump, those are way fun pictures and you-as always- captured your kids just right. You are SO beautiful, Brooke and a great Mom, keep it up!
love you,
Thanks for the update and for bringing those precious kiddo's into this world! I love you with all my heart and I am so glad you one of my "chocolate chips"!
Oh Brooke, what an amazing person you are. I look up to you so much, and have tried to be half the mother you are. It was nice to be able to see you this weekend. So sorry your little ones were sick. That's no fun. I left your home with a greater love for you and your children. I have always loved them to death, but I was able to see a little more of who they WILL be. I had a glimpse of their purposes on this earth and who they will become. They are strong and courageous kids. They love you and they want to do what's right. You are the best example they could ever have on this earth. I love you so much. Thanks for the update!
P.S. Um... You should be a model or cake maker... or both!
Brooke your kids are the cutest ever! I love the pirate ship cake. You are so awesome. I really like your hair. You always look wonderful. Give the kids kisses for me!
So fun to run into you the other day! What a surprise! Your kids are adorable and you are just as beautiful as ever..... hope that things are going well for you....
Hey Brooke! I agree that we should get together sometime. In fact, is that the splash park in Highland in the pictures? we Live so close to that and went all the time in the summer. If you are ever in the area again, come visit! Your kids are so cute, I love sadies Blonde hair sooo cute!
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