Cannon and Caleb stayed the night at our house while Mary went to her great aunts funeral in Highland. It was so fun to see them and to have the kids play together. Marriner and Caleb had matching coats....and matching dimples. Isn't Caleb so darling? Chase and Cannon played so good together and Cannon was crying when he left because they were in the middle of playing "Kingdom", both equip with swords, crowns and armor. Cannon said the dinner prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for letting him play with Chase. Caleb is starting to talk and for yes he says "di" and he kept saying "purple car" "purple truck".

Sadie kept up with the boys...only getting her feelings hurt a couple of times.

Marriner and I and Sadie were shopping one day and we drove past "sportsmans warehouse". Marriner saw the elk and you can tell who won the "we don't have time to pet the elk" debate. He wanted to ride it but I had to put my hoof down on that one..ha ha. Anyway, it was fun for him and I'm sure we'll see and pet our new friend real soon. I might take a different way to Target next time!

Marriner is saying so many funny things.
Me: "Marriner, how old are you going to be for your birthday?"
Marriner: "Uh....thirty bucks"
We were outside playing on the slides the other day and there was dog poop in the sand. He says "Dat da dwossest teen i evow daw in my yife."(That's the grossest thing I ever saw in my life.)