Brock won tickets to "Disney on Ice". Poor Sadie didn't get to come but she would have rather gone too bed...I'm sure! Even thought Marriner
did say, "I yike princesses", they both liked "Cars" the best. They were near-full-sized cars driving on the ice. They moved their mouths as a recording played of the characters voices. I'd have to say it was my favorite also. Brock had a good nap but watching Chase and Marriners faces was priceless. They also did "The little mermaid", "Lion King", and "Tinkerbell".

We went to Applebees before the show and had a great time. The night started off with straw wrappers being blown in each others faces, a yummy appetizer and waaaayyy good company.

Marriner with a "torn dog"

This isn't related to Disney on Ice, but last night's conversation with Chase was cute.
Chase "Mom, my hearts not beeping"
Me (knowing he said it wrong but don't have the 'heart' to correct him) "Oh no, we better check!"
Chase "Oh now I feel it beeping" "Mom did you know that babies hearts beep really fast?"
Me "yep, i knew that"